How to get international numbers to call in India - हिंदी जोन

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बुधवार, 6 जून 2018

How to get international numbers to call in India

Hello friends,
Now this site is ON and Working fine and I started to write post on it.
So first of all I Thank To all of you to provide your effort for my site.
 Now we begin our post.

Now You successfully install the app and then open the app.
Now  create your account in it.
Now the app ask you to fill the location for the phone number. If you want a USA mobile number then you have to enter (510)  and then you see the number list.
Choose the number which you like most and then click next.
Now its done and you are able to make call.
Click on dialer and select your country where you want to call then enter number and click call button.

Watch this video for more info -
Note- You are not able to send message in India from 2nd Line App.
You will use this number in Facebook and WhatsApp to verify your account.
Enjoy !

Please share it with your friends.

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