Everyone who works on computer must be familiar with the term of "CYBER CRIME." Initially, when man invented computer and then the technology for communicating between computers was envolved, he would have never thought that the cyber space he is creating could be flooded with any crime i.e. cyber crime. But now almost all of us might have heard the term of computer crime, cyber crime, e- crime, hi-tech crime or electronic crime which is nothing but an activity done with a criminal intent in cyber space. Simply computer or network is the source, tool, target, or place of a crime. To say in one line, "Cyber crime refers to all the activities done with criminal intent in cyber space."
You may be wondering why one should know about Cyber Crime ?
Most of us are using internet and computers for online transactions where we transmit personal information and possibly do monetary transactions. If your personal information goes in the wrong hands and you become bankrupt or you start receiving absurd mails or your e-mail account gets flooded with unwanted emails; means you have become a victim of cyber crime.
The hacker's ,main aim to disrupt a system or network. Whether he is a white hat hacker or black hat hacker his level of destruction is to stop or get the access to the computer systems. Repeated hacking or tempering constantly might take a hacker behind bars but many times these crimes are taken lightly
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धन्यवाद | ------ हिंदी जोन (संस्थापक - संजय भारती)